Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Croissant Bread Pudding - Freddy Birdy


Croissant – 3

Fresh cream – ½ cup

Butter – 2 Tblsp

Milk – 1 litre

Sugar – 5 Tblsp

Eggs – 2

Sultanas soaked in rum – 2 Tblsp

Vanilla extract – 1 tsp

Apricot preserve (optional)


Hand tear the croissants into 2 inch bite sized chunks and toast them in an oven till crisp, the tops slightly singed.

In a bowl whip the cream, butter, sugar, vanilla extract, add a litre of milk and boil for about 20 mins till the mix reduces in half.

Let it cool and add two lightly beaten eggs to the mix.

In a baking dish sctter the crisped croissants, add the sultanas and fill up the crevices of the dish with blobs of apricot preserve.

Pour egg and milk mixture till almost covered. Cook at 150 degree C in pre-warmed oven for around 30 minutes.

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