Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Croissant Bread Pudding - Freddy Birdy


Croissant – 3

Fresh cream – ½ cup

Butter – 2 Tblsp

Milk – 1 litre

Sugar – 5 Tblsp

Eggs – 2

Sultanas soaked in rum – 2 Tblsp

Vanilla extract – 1 tsp

Apricot preserve (optional)


Hand tear the croissants into 2 inch bite sized chunks and toast them in an oven till crisp, the tops slightly singed.

In a bowl whip the cream, butter, sugar, vanilla extract, add a litre of milk and boil for about 20 mins till the mix reduces in half.

Let it cool and add two lightly beaten eggs to the mix.

In a baking dish sctter the crisped croissants, add the sultanas and fill up the crevices of the dish with blobs of apricot preserve.

Pour egg and milk mixture till almost covered. Cook at 150 degree C in pre-warmed oven for around 30 minutes.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Doc Pineapple menaskai recipe


Chopped pineapple pieces- 1.5 cups

Jaggery- Lemon sized

Salt- 1.5 tsp

To roast and grind

Split blackgram lentils- 2 tsp

Chickpea lentils- 1 tsp

Black sesame seeds- 3 tsp

Red chillies- 2-3 nos.

Fenugreek seeds- 1/4 tsp

Fresh grated coconut- 1/2 cup

Oil- 1 tsp



Take chopped pineapple pieces in a cooking pan, add a cup of water, and salt. Let it cook till pineapple cubes become soft. To this add Jaggery and cook till it dissolves

Meanwhile, heat a pan adding sesame seeds. Dry roast them till they splutter and transfer the seeds to a plate. Next add oil, lentils, red chilly, fenugreek seeds followed by curry leaves to the pan. Roast them together till the lentils turn brown. Switch off.

Add grated coconut to the same pan. No need to fry but make sure it becomes warm. Grind all the roasted ingredients along with sesame seeds to fine paste. Add water as needed.

Next pour the ground masala to the cooked pineapple. Add water according to the consistency desired. If the pineapple has no tanginess, add some tamarind water. Adjust salt and bring it to boil. Switch off once done.

It will become slightly thick because of the dals. So add water to adjust consistency.

To this add a good tadke with coconut oil, mustard, curry leaves.

(The spice, sweet, salt and tang should be in balance)

Can add any sesame seed - black or white. Color changes slightly